Here are some tips just for staying safe while on Craigslist ads. If you’re unsure of who also you’re working with, you can try contacting the person’s family or friends before going out to meet. When you are meeting someone who’s not familiar with you, consider meeting within a public place, such as a mall. And don’t meet up with strangers in private homes unless you understand them well.
First, prevent making an offer on Your local craigslist ads by yourself. Always make sure you’re not on it’s own when negotiating with strangers. Constantly ask them to satisfy you in a public place, and always get a friend or family member along. Never type in a residence alone, and make sure to get pepper product or various other safety measures if you need to. Similarly, never deal with unknown people on Craigslist unless you find out them well.
Using a cashier’s check or perhaps money buy is a good idea for everybody who is buying or selling pricey items. Don’t let anyone encourage you into paying cash through a artificial money buy. Instead, try to meet in a public place and have all of them draw a cashier’s check to ensure that you can trust them. Tend ever give money through wire or perhaps accept a check for more than the cost of the item. Do not embarrassed to walk away from the offer if you are not comfortable with the person.
Finally, when buying a used product, you should definitely ask questions. Craigslist ads is well known for scammers usually, so ensure that you ask any kind of questions you could have before buying. It’s always best to investigate a product before buying it – if you’re not sure regarding it, try searching the internet with respect to common concerns and ask the vendor to answer this question. And make sure to evaluate the product in person – make sure you ask the vendor to take it out of their packaging to be able to inspect that in person.